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Garden Feng-Shui

Design your garden according to Feng Shui principles


Feng-Shui offers a wealth of opportunities to realize your own dream garden and the aim of this app to support you by giving you the necessary recommendations for your garden. 

Many Feng Shui recommendations depend on the compass directions. That is why you will first create a new garden layout and enter the main distinguish characteristics of each direction (for example, pond, lawn, fruit tree). Then you can use the appropriate buttons to read specific recommendations on plants and life topics.


The "Read advice" button takes you to the recommendations that are independent of the direction of the compass and cover topics like the design of garden ways.



Main screen
Your garden
Get recommendations by cardinal direction
What flowers to plant
What flowers to plant
General recommendations

My list of tasks

Fast way of recording tasks on the go

The purpose of this app is to enable a quick overview of your tasks. If you are on the move and something comes you to your mind, then you can grab your iPhone and enter the task into this application in a simple and fast way.


Give the task a name and fill other non compulsory fields like due data, priority, notes, text colour and recurrence. You can also add a photo and a voice memo to you task.  You can just enter the name of the task and complete the information later if you want. 

The task can be exported to your calendar if a due date is available.

Chord dice

Roll the chord dices 🎲

Record your own chords. Dice four chords, play individually or in combination and be amazed. Send the result by e-mail. We wish you a lot of fun.

Shake your phone to roll the dices
Record your chords or other sounds

My garden year

Keep your garden year in pictures!  📷

Our garden looks different every year depending on the weather and the choice of plants. But do you remember what it looked like this time of year last year?


You can use this app to capture the garden year in pictures and with a short text. With this you can get inspiration for the current year or check the success of care measures.



Plant diseases and pests

Recognize plant diseases and pests by taking a photo.

We have trained a machine learning model to detect plant diseases and pests with photos. Take or load a photo of the affected leaf, fruit or of the insect and the app will detect the plant disease respectively the pest.


It will then load the description and image from Wikipedia for you to check if the recognized disease or pest is correct.

My cash spendings

Keep track of your cash spendings in a simple to use way!


Small cash spendings can sum up to a considerable amount by the end of the month. The aim of this app is to help you identify what the cash has been used for.


Create groups like e.g. months and simply enter a title for the spend and the amount. You can add additional information like shop name, category and remarks.


Define an initial balance and the app will calculate the remaining amount automatically. It will also add all the spendings.


Visualize the spendings using a graph and if you need to process the information somewhere else, you can send a list with all the spendings by e.g. e-mail.

Spending groups
Single spends
Add additional information or amend
Chart spendings by shop
Chart spendings per day
Distribute your data

Online spendings

Keep track of your online spendings and avoid surprises when you credit card bill arrives!


Online spendings, especially the small ones,  can sum up to a considerable amount by the end of the month. 

Online spendings, especially the small ones,  can sum up to a considerable amount by the end of the month. 


We have focused on simplicity. Just enter the amount and the title of the spend to have transparency over your costs.  But if you need more information you can add additional information like shop name, category and remarks. 


Build groups like online games, shop names or months and define a budget so that you can measure the spend against it. In the overview screen of the groups you can see at a glance the amount spend against your budget. 


The spendings within a group can be visualized using a graph either by date, category or shop.  


If you need to process the information somewhere else, you can send a list with all the spendings by email for example. 

We have focused on simplicity. Just enter the amount and the title of the spend to have transparency over your costs.  But if you need more information you can add additional information like shop name, category and remarks. 


Build groups like online games, shop names or months and define a budget so that you can measure the spend against it. In the overview screen of the groups you can see at a glance the amount spend against your budget. 


The spendings within a group can be visualized using a graph either by date, category or shop.  


If you need to process the information somewhere else, you can send a list with all the spendings by email for example. 

Start screen
Single expenses
Add a new spend
Add more information or amend
Spendings by date
Spendings by category

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